While I’d love to say “time flies when you are having fun.”, that’s not the reason that I haven’t done a blog post since April 2020. I’ve written many articles in my head, they just don’t get down on paper. There are a variety of reasons why including Parkinsons. In general, I’d say my Parkinson’s has been stable for the past 18 months but I do have some neurological symptoms that appeared to be getting worse but have recently improved. Sometimes the fear of getting worse does hold me back.
Whenever I start a task, I think, am I in an A,B, or C place. If I’m very comfortable, little stiffness, thinking straight, I tackle harder projects like reading an instruction manual, moving files on the computer, anything creative and things that require mobility. I don’t sleep more than 5-6 hours so between that and Parkinson’s medicine cycles, my “A” time has to be planned carefully. If I’m not quite at an “A” level , I try to do tasks that are standardized like paying bills, or simple research. When I’m at a “C” time, I usually pedal the stationary bike, read a book or play computer games until I feel better. Even as I’m writing this I was an “A” moving towards “B” ; my right ring finger is feeling tight and triggering, so I have to correct lots of typos. One word of advice is to always have the keyboard at your optimum height (I believe this is 25-27 inches from the floor.) I have considered the possibility of hiring a typist so that I can get all the documentation and photography that I want to do, done. I think I talk faster than I now type.
We would have never expected a pandemic in our time but while we want to comply, “sheltering in place” is exactly what a Person with Parkinson’s cannot do. So I continue to take live exercise classes, physical therapy, water exercise and outdoor bicycling as much as I can but I will use Zoom when necessary.
So my personal goal is to get my blog caught up. Parkinson’s is such a strange disease and I want to tell whomever is interested about my unique case. My husband and I never dreamed that I would be as “good” as I am now, even 10 years ago. I keep thinking of more aspects of Parkinsons that I want to write about but I will them to another day and get to another “A” task before my 6:30pm water aerobics class. I’d like to move the blog entries on www.gsfriedman.com to www.pdsupportgroup.com so watch both sites for more.