Hi – this is my blog. I will fill in more details later but this bullet points of my life are:
- Born and raised in North Miami Beach
- Greynolds Park Elementary
- John F Kennedy Jr High
- North Miami Beach Sr High
- College at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy NY
- BS and MS in Materials Engineering
- Married to Ron Friedman since 1980
- Ilene and Jonathan – both now married with two granddaughters as of 7/2018
- Worked for Corning Inc as an engineer for approximately 3 years
- Owned a computer consulting business for over 30 years
- Parkinson’s (movement issues) since 2004
- Retired 2014 doing some small consulting projects and volunteer projects
- Ron and I have taken over 20 land trips and cruises since 2005
- We juggle our time between three homes and visiting and traveling
Gloria Scherr Friedman