Categories: WPC2019

Why we attend WPC2019

So why do we attend WPC.   WPC attempts to bring together the entire Parkinson’s Community.  This includes doctors, researchers, grad students, PWP, caregivers and all sorts of support people in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, living arrangements, physical and occupational therapy, exercise, etc.  It was amazing too that most of the PWP and caregivers were highly educated people themselves. 

The 2013 and 2016 had about 5000 attendees while 2019 had about 3500.  At the first two, we saw little of the medical community because they seemed to be in private meetings much of the time but this conference had fewer pharmaceutical representatives and fewer doctors from the major Centers of Excellence facilities.   But it’s the peer networking that is important to me anyway. 

When registering for the conference they offered the opportunity to be paired with a “buddy” from another country.  I thought it a little corny at first, but I filled out the form and about 2-3 weeks later I was introduced to Karyn Spilman from Australia. We matched in all but two categories – she’s had DBS and I have grandchildren.  We’ve communicated since February  and I’m sure we’ll keep in touch.

So the reasons we attend:

  • To travel to places we not have otherwise traveled to
  • To learn about the latest in research
  • To learn about products that are new on the market
  • To acknowledge people who have made a significant contribution to the Parkinson’s Community
  • To get “hints” on how to “Live well with Parkinsons”
  • To meet other people dealing with similar medical problems